Multiply two Number when their unit digit Sum is 10 and 10th digit is Same
For Exp. 15*15= 2[(1+1)*1] 25 (5*5)=225
Step 1. Just write unit digit multiplication result as 5*5=25 here on the right.
Step 2. Now add 1 to any 10th digit and multiply with other
Step 3. Place it on the left of previous result.
Exp2. 37*33= 4*3=12 21 == 1221
For Exp. 15*15= 2[(1+1)*1] 25 (5*5)=225
Step 1. Just write unit digit multiplication result as 5*5=25 here on the right.
Step 2. Now add 1 to any 10th digit and multiply with other
Step 3. Place it on the left of previous result.
Exp2. 37*33= 4*3=12 21 == 1221
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